Bosna i Hercegovina

I'm in Bosna and Hercegovina for the moment and I will be for about 7 more days.
Feels okay, but I like the city (Belgrade) more than being here for a long time, because there are more things going on in Belgrade than in this little village. One good thing about Visegrad is that the nature is damn beautiful! And there is no lack in good looking boys either :)

One bad thing about Balkan as whole, (not ass hole) is that a big part of the population seems to be homofobic and that disturbs me. A couple of minutes ago I was told ''being gay is a disease''. I was stunned and could not do more than laugh. And also
I don't want to take a fight about that with the person that cooks for me and lets me sleep in her home. It's not worth it and I can't change her stupidity and opinion in that question.

It's to warm to be outside.. 34 degrees in the shadow and the temperature is rising. Tomorrow we're going to Rzav to swim and have some sun, maybe we'll even grill.

I really hope you're having a good time in rainy Schweden.

Best regards (haha)
Your beloved Emilia

Postat av: jonnaaaaa madonnaaa

hahaha oooohlalaa, kasta hit några manliga godbitar, Emilja. JAG SAKNAR DIG!! vi får köra på som fan inför spelningen på cafét när vi ses! vad fan. jävla idiottro. det där är ju verkligen ingenting annat än brist på kunskap =/ så hemskt. Härligt varmt ni har det! =D här har vi det faktiskt solsken för stunden... puussspuss!!!

2008-07-01 @ 19:46:57

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